Ana Paula Costa

Ana Paula Costa

“I’ve always dreamed of having my photographs recognized worldwide, and that dream came true the day I discovered Outstanding.” Ana Paula Costa

Robson Nakamura

Robson Nakamura

During my first participation, none of my photos were chosen. This flipped a switch within me, and I set out to improve my work and seek new knowledge. Robson Nakamura

Cris Menon

Cris Menon

“It was thrilling and significant to win the award. I gained more credibility and confidence in myself.” Cris Menon


depoimentos geral

Ana Paula Costa Alysson Oliveira Cris Menon Robson Nakamura

Alysson Oliveira

Alysson Oliveira

I have always done family photography, but after discovering the Outstanding Maternity Award, I improved my technique and explored the international-level references that the award provides. Alysson Oliveira