Photographer: Yvonne C. Krystovsky – Germany

Each panel of judges assembled in our seasons takes into account not only the photographer’s portfolio but also their significant contribution to the photographic community. With great pride, we look forward to sharing more in-depth details about our judges, aiming to inspire participants, whether it’s their first, second, or third time. Learn more about the […]

Ana Paula Costa

Ana Paula Costa

“I’ve always dreamed of having my photographs recognized worldwide, and that dream came true the day I discovered Outstanding.” Ana Paula Costa

Robson Nakamura

Robson Nakamura

During my first participation, none of my photos were chosen. This flipped a switch within me, and I set out to improve my work and seek new knowledge. Robson Nakamura

Cris Menon

Cris Menon

“It was thrilling and significant to win the award. I gained more credibility and confidence in myself.” Cris Menon


depoimentos geral

Ana Paula Costa Alysson Oliveira Cris Menon Robson Nakamura

Alysson Oliveira

Alysson Oliveira

I have always done family photography, but after discovering the Outstanding Maternity Award, I improved my technique and explored the international-level references that the award provides. Alysson Oliveira